Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

Thirteenth Week Reflection a.k.a The Final Stand

Today is my turn to teach. Even though I got the last turn, but that's fine. Just for your information, I stilI got the new material: listening. I admitted that I was a little bit traumatic with my previous teaching, but it doesn't matter for me. I believe that I could do my best today. I have had a consultation with my elder sister, who used to be a teacher and also the graduate from PBI, and she gave a some very useful suggestions. She said do not give too many prizes to my students. Then, she also said that I should use my students in the teaching. It means that I should make them learn by themself. In brief, I listened to her and I conducted all of her suggestions in my class. Guess what??? It turned to be very good. I feel like this is my best performance than ever. Even though I still have to improve it, but that's fine. I will improve my teaching while I learn how tobe a good and interesting teachers. Last but not least, I love my final stand, especially because I am the last to perform in the class. In other words, I close the Microteaching Class: what an honour for me. Oh yes, one thing that I should not do again is my being still discuss the listening passage while time is running out. This is a fatal mistake, for me. I should not discuss the passage anymore, but I should already moved to the closure and summarize what the students have learnt. I promise I won't do this again.

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