Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

Seventh Week Reflection

My turn has passed. Let's forget that moment for a while. Today, I'm going to be the observer. This is my first time to be the observer. I think I just sit in the observation room and see what's going on the class. However, it turns to be not that simple. Instead of watching what's going on the class, I should also have to review my friends' lesson plan. It is very important, because it will help our friends to produce the better lesson plan. One thing that I don't like from today's performance is that one of the teacher used too many Bahasa Indonesia in the class. If the students are SMP ones or SMK ones, that's fine because their ability is not very good. However, what he faced before him is the SMA students, who has the standard ability in using English. This is very ridiculous. But at least, I could learn from him.

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